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Children Reading the Holy Bible


Services for Students

I believe every child is special, and thereforeevery child deserves a special education-- one that is tailor-made for his or her individual learning needs. That's why I tell parents every instructional decision made for your child  must be INTENTIONAL.


Roberta Coleman,

Master Teacher and Instructional Coach


Our Services

We individualize education programs and services,  appropriate to each student’s developmental level and learning style, to increase school success for students with disabilities and other learning challenges. 

Our Services

Parent Advocacy

We help parents navigate their way through the K-6, helping them make confident, intentional decisions for their children.

IEP Review and Interpretation

We provide support and insight to help parents understand their child's special education rights and services.


& Tutoring

We design differentiated instruction to support students' individual learning strengths and areas of improvement.


“Mrs. Coleman is exceptional in her response to students' exceptional needs. Her advocacy for children and our family

 has been life-changing for us.”

Augusta Barchue

Lawrenceville, GA


Ready to find out more?

Our mission is to educate children in a safe and nurturing environment by utilizing differentiated programs that are appropriate to each student’s individual learning needs. We design appropriate services for students with disabilities within the least restrictive environment, providing

accommodations and modifications as needed.

Contact Us

© 2019 by ISS. Roberta Coleman, Executive Director

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